What do slaves want in this world? Pain. Humiliation. Severe chastisement. What do Mistresses desire? To find one or more slaves on whom they can brandish their crueltywhether with words or whips or other instruments of torture and humiliation… or all of these things. In this moviean abject and submissive slave who seeks pain and humiliation finds both with a Mistress who enjoys inflicting both pain and humiliation in large doses. In this pursuit she is greatly helped by such adjunct torture-dealers as hot dripping candle waxa cat o nine tailsand a large strap-on dildo.http://join.femdomacademy.com/track/MTQ5NzY1MC40LjUwLjUwLjAuMC4wLjAuMA/FemdomAcademy.com
See The Full Length Femdom Movie